How to move to Denmark - a step-by-step guide

Blåvand – DSCF6195

How to move to Denmark - a step-by-step guide

Navigating the intricacies of moving to another country can be a daunting task. With a different language, unique cultural norms, and a number of legal and logistical steps to consider, the process can seem overwhelming. Fortunately, this step-by-step guide will help with everything from bank accounts and housing to finding a job.

1. Finding a job

Denmark is known for its work-life balance with an emphasis on flexibility and employee well-being. This is also true on the Danish West Coast. Strong labour unions and clear regulations make for a secure working environment.

2. CPR-number, health insurance card, tax card, MitID and Digital Post

In Varde Municipality, you can book an appointment at the Citizen Service in Varde to register your permanent address in Denmark and get a CPR-number, a yellow health insurance card, a tax card, MitID and Digital Post on E-boks.

3. Residence document

When you arrive in Denmark, you need to apply for a residence permit with the Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI).

4. Free Danish language courses

Once you have moved to Denmark, you can get a free course to learn how to write, speak, read and understand Danish.

5. Sign up for daycare and school

Remember to sign your child up for daycare or school. Both daycare and schools in Denmark is characterised by its high quality and the west coast is no exception.

6. Connect your bank account to NemKonto

Connecting a bank account to NemKonto is one of the first practical steps in establishing your life in Denmark. A NemKonto is necessary to be able to receive payments from Danish public authorities such as tax refunds, child subsidies and much more.

7. Import your car

Are you bringing your own car with you to Denmark?

8. Import your household animal

Do you have a cat, dog, rabbit or bird?

Contact us

Our Newcomer Service team are always happy to help you in the process with any questions you may have. Do not hesitate to contact us and we will get in touch by email, phone or set up a virtual or physical meeting.


Other things to be aware of when moving to Denmark

Start learning Danish

Although most Danes are fluent in English, starting to learn Danish before your move can significantly smoothen your transition to life in Denmark. It unlocks the connection with your new community and enhances everyday interactions such as grocery shopping to making new friends.

Residence and work permit

Getting a residence and work permit in Denmark is an essential step towards starting a life in Denmark.

You might need to get recognition of your diploma, degree or certificate when moving to Denmark. The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science offers assessment of foreign qualifications.

Find a new home in Varde Municipality

Live in everything from old town houses and architect-designed detached houses to properties in scenic surroundings and attractive rental properties.

Change your address

Change your address or apply for housing benefits. It can all be done digitally from your computer or phone.

Find daycare and schools in Varde Municipality

It is important to have a good and safe start in life. As a family living in Varde Municipality, you will feel the presence of the community in everything from daycare centres and schools to extracurricular activities.

Get free tickets and discounts

Once you have moved to Varde Municipality, you can get free tickets and discounts to local attractions and restaurants.

Get to know your new community

You can never start to early (or too late) with getting closer to your new community. You can connect with the town representatives and welcome ambassadors to find out how you can become part of the community.

Join a club or association or become a volunteer

Do you like sports or gymnastics? Consider being a part of a club or an association. It is a great way to meet people and get new friends. Maybe you will even become a volunteer at your local club or association.

Get a free traffic card for two months

When you move to Varde Municipality, you can get a two month free traffic card for public traffic.

Explore activities and experiences

There are loads of experiences for both the young and old in Varde Municipality.

Recycling and waste sorting

Waste is a part of daily life. In Denmark, we sort and recycle our waste to take care of the environment.

Get to know your rights as a parent

Everything you need to know about being a parent in Denmark.

Get to know your rights as an employee

What happens if you get sick? How do you claim your holiday allowance? Find the answer below.

Newcomer service, Varde Municipality

Contact our newcomer service at with any question you may have.