Primary School

Our primary schools focus on holistic education, emphasizing creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. We offer a supportive environment, integrating practical activities with academic learning to foster well-rounded development for your child.

Primary School

In Denmark, most education is free, whether it is primary school, youth education, or higher education.

Primary school education is compulsory, and can be achieved by attending public school, private school, independent school, or through homeschooling. Primary school covers grades 0 to 9 and starts from the year your child turns six and continues for ten years.

There are 12 public schools and 5 independent schools in Varde Municipality, which gives you ample opportunity to find the right school for your child. As a special feature, Varde Municipality tries to actively incorporate nature into parts of the teaching. The concept of "Nature School" introduces children and young people to some of the most scenic areas of the municipality, and teaches them to take care of nature.

Class Size

In Denmark, the average class size is 24 students. This creates room to take care of each student individually.

School Transportation

Varde Municipality offers school transportation for children of school age. Your child may be driven to and from school if the distance between your home and the district school is greater than:
• Grades 0-3: 2.5 km
• Grades 4-10: 4.5 km

Mother Tongue Instruction

Varde Municipality offers mother tongue instruction for bilingual students in grades 1-9 with a foreign mother tongue. Mother tongue instruction is free for students residing in Varde Municipality.

Textbooks, Notebooks, and Computers

Students in Varde Municipality receive free textbooks, notebooks, and a computer for school.

After-School Care and Youth Clubs

In Denmark, it is a tradition for children and young people to make use of after-school and club services. All schools in Varde Municipality have after-school care (SFO) for students in grades 0-3, which they can attend before and after school (from 2,000 DKK per month). For students in grades 4 to 6, there are youth clubs after school (from 460 DKK per month). These services play an important role in creating strong communities and connections between school and leisure time.