Move to Varde

Our many vibrant local communities create the perfect conditions for you and your family’s everyday life.

A step by step guide to moving to Denmark

We know it’s a big decision, and that it takes a lot to move to another country. Follow this step by step guide to learn more about the process. You are always welcome to contact Newcomer Service. We are here to guide you on your way to the Danish West Coast.

Meet some of our cities
for your everyday life

Meet some of our cities
for your everyday life

What about healthcare?

Denmark has a quality healthcare system, which is accessible to all residents. Upon obtaining your CPR number, you're covered by national health insurance, ensuring you have access to healthcare services. The West Coast is home to both local clinics and hospitals, where medical professionals provide comprehensive care.

Mette og Niels 06 (1)

Contact us

Our newcomer service team, Nadia and Christine, are always happy to help you in the process with any question you may have. Do not hesitate to contact us and we will get in touch by phone or set up a virtual or physical meeting.
